About Lane O'Shea
I really enjoy podcasts and one of my favorites is How I Built This With Guy Raz. If you aren’t familiar with it, the promo statement explains “Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world's best known companies. How I Built This weaves a narrative journey about innovators, entrepreneurs and idealists—and the movements they built.” One of my favorite episodes is the interview with Eileen Fisher. As she tells it she “signed up for a fashion trade show with no experience, no garments, no patterns or sketches – nothing but a few ideas….” She also goes on to identify herself as a “shy extrovert.” Well, shy or not, she and many of those profiled helped me to get off my butt to share my art with you.
The first time I shared my art publicly was the result of happenstance. I was reading an online newsletter related to my day job and it included a notice about a non-profit organization that was inviting artists to submit applications for their first annual fundraising juried art show. This was at a time when I was trying to figure out how to use my art for a purpose other than collecting under the bed. I had no photos of my artwork, no names for the pieces, no artist’s bio….basically no idea what I was doing except exchanging emails with the organizer as I made the application. I submitted three pieces for consideration and was stunned when two were accepted. I was later flabbergasted when one was awarded an Honorable Mention and humbled when multiple offers were made for the piece – Fate sent me a message and I paid attention.